The Direct Mail Dance
So you’ve decided you want to get down with some direct mail! You have your sales literature and a targeted list of contacts—what’s the next…
So you’ve decided you want to get down with some direct mail! You have your sales literature and a targeted list of contacts—what’s the next move?
One approach to utilizing this effective marketing strategy is with a single, one-hit-wonder mailing piece. Compile your sales literature, craft a compelling message, and send everything you’ve got to that full list of contacts.
This gets your materials out there, but comes with some caveats. As is the nature of a “one-hit-wonder,” this mailer will need to pack some serious punch in order to be effective. Putting all your eggs (i.e. sales literature) into one basket comes with its inherent risks. And sending out all of your sales literature to potentially uninterested clients can make this dancing partner one expensive date.
An alternative that helps you avoid the One-Step’s pitfalls is a simple preliminary teaser mailer. Send a low-cost, single piece to your full list of contacts to generate interest. Use this teaser to drive prospects further down the sales funnel. Direct them to your website to “learn more” about your great offer, and to request additional information.
This approach helps you update your contact list with highly qualified prospects genuinely interested in your offering. So when you follow up with that additional sales material, you know it’s going to contacts already engaged with and interested in your offerings. That money you save on shipping and needing to print new sales literature can then put to use in better arenas, like ad placements or a new direct mailer to a different customer segment.
The next time you plan to tear up the dance floor with a hot direct mail piece, let us help you strategize your moves for maximum impact.
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